This was the most-feared army of all time

This was the most-feared army of all time

The world has seen some heinous wars in its time, including those that took out entire kingdoms and cultures. There are wars of the past that modern citizens could do little to understand. Including those that were fought by some of the fiercest armies in history. 

Though they existed more than eight centuries ago, Genghis Khan and the Mongols are still regarded as the most-feared military of all time. This is due to their reign over an incredible empire that they conquered in a short period of time. It’s also due to their methodology, which was to simply kill as many people as possible. It made people fear them, it lessened their enemies, and it allowed them to quickly gain ground toward their cause. However, Khan was known to offer enemies a choice to surrender, before he would attack. Those who agreed were spared. Those who did not, well… they added up to a huge sum. As did rulers or leaders of any given area.

The Mongols are cited with killing more than 40 million people, all throughout modern China, Iran, Iraq, and Russia – a huge territory by any standards. Later, after their founder and leader Genghis Khan died, they continued into the Sea of Japan, the Arctic, and the Mediterranean. However, they eventually got into a fight amongst themselves and split their land and powers alike. (Never go into business with your family, right??)

Khan is also credited with killing more than 1.7 million in a single battle. This coincides with the entire population of Nishapur, a Persian city located in modern-day Iran. In 1221, Khan’s favorite son-in-law was struck and killed by an arrow. Kahn himself was upset, as was his daughter, a fresh widow. In her distress, she told her father to kill everyone in the city. This put his normal motto of letting common folk (who did not surrender) live, and instead, put them all in harm’s way.

Worried that the citizens were simply wounded or playing dead, the daughter further requested that every one of them – women, children, babies, pets – were beheaded and their skills stacked into large pyramids. (The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, eh??) Khan’s youngest son led the army, taking 10 days to complete the task. 


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