The Gorilla Who Said Animals Go To A "Comfortable Hole"
The Gorilla Who Said Animals Go To A "Comfortable Hole" When They DieThe beloved gorilla Koko was taught sign language and was able to communicate with people through it. In an interview, Francine Patterson, who was Koko’s trainer and the closest human to her, was asked how deep their conversations with Koko would go. She answered “It started early on with a
conversation Koko had with one of her caregivers about death. The caregiver showed Koko a skeleton and asked, “Is this alive or dead?” Koko signed, “Dead, draped.” “Draped” means “covered up.” Then the caregiver asked, “Where do animals go when they die?” Koko said, “A comfortable hole.” Then she gave a kiss goodbye.” This interesting story surprised many and left a lot of room for philosophical debates. Oh, if only Koko could elaborate on her thought
conversation Koko had with one of her caregivers about death. The caregiver showed Koko a skeleton and asked, “Is this alive or dead?” Koko signed, “Dead, draped.” “Draped” means “covered up.” Then the caregiver asked, “Where do animals go when they die?” Koko said, “A comfortable hole.” Then she gave a kiss goodbye.” This interesting story surprised many and left a lot of room for philosophical debates. Oh, if only Koko could elaborate on her thought
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