Man Becomes A Musical Genius

Man Becomes A Musical Genius After Experiencing A Head Trauma Imagine waking up one day and finding out you are basically a musical genius even though you haven’t practiced a day in your life. That would be pretty amazing, right? Well, a similar thing happened to Derek Amato, only there was a significant price to pay. 

In October of 2006, Derek suffered from a severe concussion after hitting his head at the end of the pool while diving. After this Derek suffered from 35% hair loss and some memory loss, but he also acquired a skill that many practice their entire life for - he became a composer. "As I shut my eyes, I found these black and white structures moving from left to right, which in fact would represent in my mind, a fluid and continuous stream of musical notation," Amato explained his condition. It is believed that Derek might be the only person in the world to gain genius-level talent after experiencing trauma, and even though the acquired musical savant syndrome is already known to doctors, usually cases are not as strong as Derek’s.


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