Mayapan, Yucatan Mexico

 Mayapan, Yucatan Mexico

Mexico offers one of the best venues to view sophisticated engineering, architecture, and civic design from a highly evolved civilization known as the Maya. Over the years, I've taken numerous groups to some of the best-known Mayan cities throughout south eastern Mexico, primarily Yucatan. 

A truly ancient civilization, the Maya inherited their engineering prowess and an understanding of earth's geomagnetic gravity and telluric field generating systems from an early unknown ancestry. Many of the great pyramids from early Maya were built over ley lines or energy centers and designed to capture these fields, enhance them in some unknown manner and then distribute the energy.

 The Maya natives told me that the buildings were part of the community and climbing, meditating and interacting with pyramids was a part of daily life. These images are of Mayapan and the main pyramid.


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